New Work

Just finished my first official cat portrait (as opposed to paintings of generic cats). Really chuffed with how it came out! Client has opted for one of the more watercolour style ones, whereas the grungy frame version seems more popular. Took a bit longer than planned but hopefully the client will let me sell additional prints/cards from it to cover the additional time. Set myself the challenge of trying complete as much as possible of this in Illustrator so, whilst it is a digital painting, it has all been drawn from scratch and the initial painting features hundreds of layers and individual brush strokes to paint all the hair in. In fact there wasn’t even a matching reference photograph for this piece. The client wanted this pose but didn’t have a photo so this has been created from multiple images and a bit of artistic licence to fill in the gaps. Overall, really pleased with how this came out and feel more confident about offering this service now. Thanks to REM for the opportunity and R.I.P. Achilles- hopefully this is a fitting tribute.
Sent from my iPhone

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